সেলসের দক্ষতা বাড়াবেন যেভাবে | How to improve sales skills

One of the most competitive jobs in business is the sales job. Being in charge of selling a product or service will give you constant new challenges. So there is no option to improve your sales skills, which requires continuous effort.

Whether new or old in sales, you can make yourself efficient by adopting a few ways.

প্রোডাক্ট বা সার্ভিস নিয়ে ভালোমতো জানুন | Know the product or service well 

Know the details of the product or service you are selling. You can answer any question regarding the customer's product or service.

সেলসের দক্ষতা বাড়াবেন যেভাবে | How to improve sales skills

Look for similar products or services from other companies. If you know their pros and cons, it will be convenient to talk to the customer.

কাস্টমারের প্রয়োজন ঠিকভাবে বুঝুন | Understand customer needs 

When a customer wants to buy a product or service, he intends to get a solution to a problem. So focus on your customer's needs. It will be easy to highlight the benefits of your product or service if you understand their needs well.

There are several factors that a customer should consider when purchasing something. For example:

Problem (Example: "It's been unbearably hot lately.")

Possible solutions (Example: "Need to buy a fan/AC.”)

Cost of the solution (Example: "How much would a good fan/AC cost?")

Place of solution (Example: "Where is the best place to buy fan/ac?")

Conditions (Example: "Fan/ACC should last for at least 1 – 2 years.”)

Through these questions, you can analyze the needs of a customer.

যোগাযোগের দক্ষতা বাড়ান | Improve communication skills 

You have to sell products or services through communication. It can be through direct contact, a phone call, or an email. No matter how you communicate with the customer, it is essential to present your message attractively. So master communication skills.

কাস্টমারের সাথে আন্তরিক সম্পর্ক গড়ে তুলুন | Build a sincere relationship with the customer

Sales will be much easier if a customer finds you trustworthy and reliable. So –

Treat customers well.
Listen carefully to the customer.
Ask about the product or service the customer would be most happy to receive.
Answer customer questions patiently.
If you are an old customer, find out his opinion about the previous product or service.
Let the customer know if any discount can be arranged.
Remember, the focus of sales is your customer. Show that she is important to you by acting gracefully.

নতুন পদ্ধতি চেষ্টা করুন | Try new methods

Every customer's problem is different. Along with this, the product or service also changes constantly. So the same approach doesn't always work when it comes to sales. Apply innovative methods head-on to succeed in a challenging profession. Look at how well they are performing. Then you can use the best strategy according to the situation.

Another critical factor in improving sales skills is confidence, which cannot be achieved overnight. Instead, you can become confident by enhancing your skills regularly. So keep trying!

প্রোডাক্ট বা সার্ভিস নিয়ে যথাযথ জ্ঞান | Adequate knowledge of the product or service

You need to know everything about the product or service you are selling. Know the product or service details in advance to satisfy the customer. Apart from this, keep regular inquiries about similar products or services of other organizations. Try to differentiate your company's product or service from theirs. This will help you convince the customer.

কাস্টমারের প্রয়োজন বোঝা | Understanding customer needs

Not all customers receive all products or services. First, you need to know what the needs of a customer are. According to him, approaching him with a product or service signifies a trustworthy sales associate. In a word, you have to give importance to the customer's needs. In addition, it is necessary to know whether the customer is interested in any other product or service.

কাস্টমারের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক কেমন হবে | How will the relationship with the customer be?

As a salesman, your main goal is to get the customer interested in your product or service. For this, you need to build a sincere relationship with the customer. Always treat him well; he should be listened to carefully, and answers should be polite and respectful.

যোগাযোগের দক্ষতা | Communication skills

The better the communication skills, the easier the sales job becomes. Because you have to sell products or services through communication, it can be direct contact or phone call, or through Facebook inbox or email. Apart from this, if you can increase communication with sales associates of other organizations, your understanding of the market will increase.

নতুন পদ্ধতি বের করা | Finding new methods

In a competitive market, everyone wants to sell their product or service. As a result, you must devise a new method or plan to sell your product or service so that the customer is more interested in your product or service. There is no alternative to studying for new methods or plans; you can also get ideas by surfing the internet or following various studies.

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