ডিম খাওয়ার উপকারিতা ও অপকারিতা | Advantages and disadvantages of eating eggs

Eggs are a food item we are all familiar with, and eggs are our favorite food—everyone from children to the elderly likes to eat eggs in our country. Eggs contain high protein levels, which boost the body's immune system. Eggs have a lot of nutrients, which are very important to boost immunity during this corona time. So one egg should be eaten daily. If the body is weak, doctors advise eating boiled eggs for breakfast.

Eating eggs regularly is very beneficial for maintaining good health. Eggs are a portion of very nutritious food and a good source of calcium, iron, and protein. In a study on nearly 500,000 people in China, scientists say that eating one egg daily can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients, such as phosphorus, vitamin A, B, vitamin D, vitamin E, and protein. A large egg contains 6 grams, and two egg whites contain about 7 grams protein. Eggs are considered a high-quality protein because they have all the amino acids your body needs daily.

Benefits of eggs 

ডিম খাওয়ার উপকারিতা ও অপকারিতা | Advantages and disadvantages of eating eggs

To lose weight:

Eating eggs helps in weight loss and control. A scientific study on this topic has shown that eggs contain much protein. Protein can work to maintain energy in the body for a long time and keep the stomach full. It can stop the habit of frequent eating and control the number of calories in the body. This process helps to overcome the increasing weight. Along with eating eggs, exercise should also be included in the routine for weight loss.

For bones:

When discussing the benefits of eating eggs, it is essential to examine the bones. According to research published on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website, some children were fed eggs daily for some time. Studies have shown that eating eggs strengthens bones and can also reduce the risk of bone disease. Vitamin D and protein may play an essential role in this gain in egg calcium.

For eyes:

Eating boiled eggs is good for the eyes. Eggs contain nutrients called zeaxanthin and lutein, which help prevent macular degeneration problems. Age-related blindness can occur due to macular degeneration, leading to vision loss with age—keeping the eyes healthy by avoiding the difficulties of macular degeneration. Also, the vitamins present in eggs work to improve eyesight.

For the brain:

Eggs can be considered the best food for the brain. As we mentioned above, eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin-B12, which work to improve brain function. Also, egg yolks contain choline, which is an essential nutrient. It is necessary to keep the nervous system healthy. So it is recommended to eat eggs to sharpen the brain. According to another study, it contains essential minerals and vitamins, which help cells function correctly for the nervous system, brain, and memory.

Increase in strength:

Eating eggs in the morning is beneficial to maintaining energy in the body throughout the day. Eggs contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, which can produce energy in all the body's cells. It helps the body retain power for an extended period. So eating eggs in the morning is beneficial to maintaining energy in the body throughout the day.

To build muscle:

One of the many benefits of eggs is increasing muscle mass. Egg white is rich in protein and amino acids, and these nutrients help build muscle in the body. Plus, its consumption can keep muscles strong (4). For this reason, gym goers often eat eggs after the gym.

To survive cancer:

The benefits of eating eggs help prevent cancer. Scientific studies have shown that egg white and yolk proteins have an anti-cancer activity that helps prevent the growth of cancer cells and can reduce the risk of developing cancer. Consumers should also note that eggs help reduce the risk of cancer but should by no means be considered a cancer cure. If one has a cancer problem, follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

For blood pressure:

Eating eggs is beneficial for those with high blood pressure. Eating eggs can help control blood pressure, and egg whites have anti-hypertensive (blood pressure lowering) effects. Egg whites can cause vasodilation of blood vessels, improving their activity. So eating egg white helps to keep blood pressure regular.

For the immune system:

Eggs are also beneficial in strengthening the body's immune system. According to a medical study, eggs contain vitamins A, B12, and selenium, which play an essential role in boosting immunity and helping ward off many diseases.

Good source of protein:

Eggs are rich in protein. Every cell in the body contains protein, and protein plays an essential role in repairing and building new cells in the body. In addition, protein is critical for developing children, adolescents, and pregnant women. Eggs can be eaten to provide protein to the body. Before consuming it during pregnancy, consult the concerned doctor once.

For pregnancy:

Eggs also have benefits for pregnancy. A study published on the NCBI website says that eggs provide adequate nutrition to pregnant women and help keep the unborn baby healthy after birth. Eggs contain essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which help in the proper development of the embryo. But remember that only well-cooked eggs should be eaten.

For the skin:

Egg consumption has also been proven beneficial for the skin. The water-soluble egg membrane (the protective layer of tissue between the egg white and the egg shell) helps reduce skin wrinkles. Also, egg consumption can reduce aging problems by reducing free radicals and damaged tissue.

For hair and nails:

Eggs are also beneficial for hair. Water soluble peptides in egg yolk play an essential role in hair growth. You can also use eggs to apply to your hair, and it gets rid of many hair-related problems. Apart from this, the use of eggs is beneficial for nails. A lack of biotin (vitamin-H) can lead to brittle nails. In this case, eating eggs can compensate for the biotin deficiency and avoid the problem of nail breakage.

We have said above what happens when you eat eggs, and now we will talk about the nutritional value of eggs.

Nutrient content of eggs: 

  • Calories 155
  • Sugar 1.2 grams
  • Love 10.6 grams
  • Protein 12.6 grams
  • Thiamine (B1) 0.066 mg
  • Riboflavin (B2) 0.5 mg
  • Calcium 50 mg
  • Iron 1.2 mg
  • Magnesium 10 mg
  • Phosphorus 172 mg
  • Potassium 126. mg
  • 1.0 mg with zinc
  • There are also other substances.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Egg Whites: 

Egg whites lack vitamins A and D, which are present in egg yolks. However, egg whites are free of cholesterol and contain few calories. Two egg whites provide the same amount of protein as a whole egg; However, two whites have only 34 calories versus 55 calories in a giant egg yolk. Therefore, egg whites are a high-protein alternative for those who want to reduce their risk of heart disease.

Benefits of eating eggs before sleeping at night

About one-third of adults struggle to get a good night's sleep regularly, sometimes feeling like trying to get some shut-eye.

However, it turns out the answer may be hiding in your fridge.

Something as simple as eating an egg at dinner can be a natural reliever. Egg whites help prepare the body for sleep by producing melatonin, which induces sleepiness.

Packed with 11 vitamins and minerals, eggs are also a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan, which shuts down your brain for the night and helps you sleep better.

"Eggs are widely recognized as a high-quality protein source, so including an egg with a meal can improve sleep duration and overall mental and physical health," says Australian dietitian and author Sharon Natoli.

Quality sleep helps tissue repair and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. A good night's sleep in everyday life prepares us to take on the world by improving learning, attention span, and problem-solving.

Natoli's other tips for better sleep include:

Avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, cola, and cocoa, at least four hours before bedtime.

Avoid eating large meals two to three hours before bedtime. If you're still hungry, try eating a light, healthy meal 5 minutes before bed.

Don't skip breakfast or eat at irregular times throughout the day.

Enjoy a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables like apples, oranges, kiwi fruit, apricots, broccoli, spinach, red capsicum, and tomatoes.

How to use eggs 

Eggs can be used in many ways. However, people are aware of only a few uses. Here we are going to tell you about the usefulness of eggs.

How to eat: 

  • Eggs can be boiled and eaten.
  • Bhurji can be made with eggs and eaten.
  • An egg omelet can be made.
  • It can be eaten as a bread-omelet with bread.
  • Egg rolls can be made.
  • Egg curry can be made and eaten with rice or bread.
  • Eggs can be used to make cakes.
  • Egg biryani can be eaten.
  • Eggs can be taken in the form of fried rice.
  • Egg burgers can be made.

When to eat:

  • Omelet made from it, or bread omelet, can be eaten for breakfast.
  • You can eat boiled eggs in the morning or evening after the gym.
  • Egg fried rice, biryani, or egg curry can be eaten for lunch or dinner.
  • Egg rolls can be taken as an evening snack.

Now let's know about the disadvantages of eggs:

Eating too many eggs is not good, and eating one egg every day or every other day is better. Eating extra eggs can lower cholesterol levels in the body, and lousy cholesterol causes heart disease. You can avoid health risks by eating eggs in moderation.

The benefits and harms of eating eggs depend on how much and how the eggs are consumed. Keeping these things in mind, we will look at the disadvantages of eating eggs below.

Eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, so eating them regularly can increase the risk of heart disease.

Allergies are also among the side effects of eating eggs. Many people get an allergic reaction to eggs.

Eggs not cooked properly can cause problems like vomiting and diarrhea.

People with diabetes and heart problems should avoid excessive consumption of eggs. An overdose of eggs can worsen the condition of such patients.

Now you must have known what happens when you eat eggs. At the same time, you must know that quantity plays an essential role in the pros and cons of eating eggs. Its benefits can only help ward off disease and help in treatment. But, they should never understand that eggs are a cure for any condition. If one is suffering from any serious problem, one should not consume eggs without a doctor's advice. We hope this article of ours proves useful for you.

Eat eggs for good health but don't eat too many eggs. This may increase the health risk. Please comment how you like it. I hope everyone is well.

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