ইউটিউব চ্যানেল ডেসক্রিপশন বক্স লেখার নিয়ম | YouTube video description example

YouTube channel description box writing rules? Assalamu Alaikum. We can never become good YouTubers if we can't rank our YouTube channel. The description box plays a vital role behind another channel rank and each tag and keyword in the description influences channel ranking.

Descriptions help viewers and search engines get an idea of ​​your channel and videos. Today we will see how to write user and search engine-friendly reports. So that viewers and search engines understand that you are a professional YouTuber.

টেবিল অফ কন্টেন্ট | Table of Contents 

  • Rules for writing descriptions
  • What is the maximum number of YouTube channel descriptions?
  • The History of YouTube
  • Conclusion

ইউটিউব চ্যানেল ডেসক্রিপশন বক্স লেখার নিয়ম | YouTube Channel Description Box Writing Rules 

ইউটিউব চ্যানেল ডেসক্রিপশন বক্স লেখার নিয়ম | YouTube video description example

Some YouTubers leave the description box blank or write the name. And it absolutely shouldn't. Descriptions help make your videos relevant to search engines.

ডেসক্রিপশন লেখার নিয়ম | Rules for writing descriptions 

. The first 150 words of the description box are essential. Because these 150 words are significant to search engines and viewers, the first 150 words should be written so that visitors get an idea of ​​your entire video.

. The primary keyword of your video must be in the first 150 words. Try to put it first if possible. But keep in mind that while placing the keyword first, the meaning or beauty of the sentence should not be one way or the other.

. In addition to the main keyword, other related keywords should also be given in the full description. Here many people cannot understand what kind of keywords to give. You must provide LSI keywords related to your video. Give the keywords of the category of your video. For example, suppose you make a video about blogging, and the video is also about blogging. Then you can give keywords like "rules of blogging," "history of the blog," "which is the father of blogging," etc.

. Tag the video with 2 to 3 related hashtags. But it will not be suitable to give more than that.

. Give some tags related to the video.

. You can give the link to some previous popular videos. But give it along with the title. This gets some visitors to these videos.

Give some information related to the video. Whatever you write should be informative.

. If a link is required in the video, such as a website, then provide the link.

. Provide links to your Facebook page and other social media, including groups, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

. Provide copyright and warning notices.

If you write the description following the above rules, hopefully, you will get your desired result. But remember never to copy someone else's definition. Yes, ideas can be taken from others' descriptions but not copied.

ইউটিউব চ্যানেলের description সর্বোচ্চ কত সংখ্যার দেওয়া যায়? What is the maximum number of YouTube channel description?

You can write whatever you want in YouTube's description box for up to five thousand words. One thing that is seen among new YouTubers is that they tend to write more and more gibberish, and many people write messily. And these things send a message to Google and visitors that you are not a good YouTuber.

Which can destroy your YouTube career. So write carefully in the description, and do not write anything unnecessary and messy.

ইউটিউব এর ইতিহাস | History of YouTube 

Youtube is an online video-sharing platform based in San Bruno, California, published in February 2005. Three friends, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Javed Karim, founded YouTube. All three were early employees of PayPal, and Steve Chen is an American entrepreneur of Chinese (Taiwan) origin.

He was born on August 25, 1978, in Taiwan. Later he started living in California, America. Steve Chen studied computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Chad Hurley was born on January 24, 1977, in Pennsylvania, USA. Hurley studied design at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Later he joined PayPal as a logo designer.

Javed Karim was a German-American entrepreneur of Bangladeshi descent. His father's name is Naemul Karim, and his mother is Christine Karim (German). He was born on October 28, 1979, in Morsberg, East Germany. Javed Karim and Steve Chen studied computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After graduation, Karim joined PayPal.

One day, some videos were shot at a dinner party at Chen's San Francisco apartment. Harley and Chen later get into trouble sharing the videos online. And from this problem, the idea of ​​YouTube is created in their heads. However, Karim was not at that dinner party and denied the idea of ​​YouTube.

কিভাবে ইউটিউবের ধারণা এসেছিল বিষয়টি স্পষ্ট নয় | How the idea for YouTube came about is unclear 

Kareem said the first idea for YouTube came from looking online for clips of the Super Bowl halftime show debate. He did a lot of searching online and couldn't find clips of that debate and videos of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. This led to the idea of ​​a video-sharing site. Hurley and Chen said that an online dating website influenced the original idea for YouTube.

In February 2005, they prepared to launch YouTube "www.youtube.com." The first video was uploaded on 23 April 2005. The first video, "Me at the zoo," was uploaded.

Co-founder Javed Karim uploaded the video. He shot the video at the San Diego Zoo. The video is still available on YouTube if you search for it. Below is the link to the video.

গর্বের বিষয় হচ্ছে ইউটিউবের প্রথম ভিডিওটি একজন বাংলাদেশী আপলোড দিয়েছিলেন | The point of pride is that the first YouTube video was uploaded by a Bangladeshi

In May, they launched a beta version of YouTube. After launching as a beta in May 2005, it averaged around 30,000 visitors per day. However, YouTube was officially launched on December 15, 2005. And till then, the site was getting about 8 million views daily. YouTube's first headquarters was above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant in San Mateo, California.

YouTube began as a venture capital-funded technology startup. The company raised $11.5 million from "Sequoia Capital" and $8 million from "Artis Capital Management" between November 2005 and April 2006. YouTube also raised money from various investors.

YouTube was not the first video-sharing site on the Internet at the time. The same category site, "Vimeo, "was launched in November 2004 before YouTube; however, "Vimeo" was not so widespread.

আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ইউটিউবের যাত্রা ১৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০০৫ | YouTube officially launched on December 15, 2005

By the time UTV officially launched on 15 December 2005, the site had 8 million daily views. At that time, video clips were limited to 100 megabytes. By 2006, an average of more than 65,000 new videos were being uploaded to YouTube daily, and they were getting more than 100 million video views daily. The number of video uploads and pictures on YouTube continues to increase. The site was growing.

YouTube's growth was growing at a rapid pace.

After that, the main problem started. Due to such unlimited traffic, YouTube began to have some issues. So there was a need to improve YouTube. But it required a lot of investment. After a few days, the problem started again with the copyright issue. Its founders were not willing to move forward with YouTube amid various concerns. So they decided to sell YouTube.

On the other hand, another website with the same name www.utube.com was having problems with the name www.youtube.com. As a result, in late 2006, YouTube's owner, Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment filed a lawsuit against YouTube. Later, Universal Tube changed its website from www.utube.com to www.utubeonline.com.

বিভিন্ন সমস্যার কারণে ইউটিউবকে বিক্রি করতে বাধ্য হয় এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতারা | Its founders were forced to sell YouTube due to various problems 

On October 9, 2006, Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion. Google's purchase of YouTube sparked renewed interest in video-sharing sites. Google is gradually improving YouTube, and YouTube's interface is simplified to maximize users' time on site. YouTube moved to a new San Bruno, California office in October 2006.

Hurley stepped down as CEO of YouTube in 2010. And in the same year, Salar Kamanga took over as the head of the company. According to ComScore data, there were more than 14 billion views on YouTube in 2010. In 2011, 48 hours of new videos were being uploaded to YouTube every minute, and more than a billion videos were viewed daily.

In 2011, Google again brought changes to YouTube's interface. Where the desktop and TV experience is enhanced. In 2013, over 100 hours of video uploads were created every minute. And that increased to 300 hours after just one year, i.e., at the end of 2014

Google didn't stop, either. YouTube continues to improve, and new features keep coming one after another. In 2014, YouTube announced a feature called "Music Key." Also, in 2015, the premium service "YouTube Red" was introduced. The same year released "YouTube Kids" a mobile app specially optimized for children. Also, in 2015, YouTube launched the "Youtube Gaming" service for gamers.

টিকটক যা ইউটিউবকে চ্যালেঞ্জ জানাচ্ছে | TikTok is challenging YouTube 

In September 2016, a big problem arose for YouTube. Its name is Tiktok, which later made YouTube think. That's why YouTube is forced to develop a "YouTube Shorts" feature to compete with TikTok around 2021 so that YouTube users can create short videos like TikTok.

According to the latest data for 2022, there are 37 million channels on the YouTube platform. And so far, 800 million videos have been uploaded from these 37 million channels. YouTube has 122 million daily active users. And currently, more than 500 hours of video content are being uploaded. A user spends an average of 19 minutes watching videos.


If you look, you will see that those videos that keep the description box blank do not get the desired visitors. The description plays a significant role in the videos that YouTube recommends.

I hope by now you understand how important the description box is. If there is any problem in understanding something in this article, "Youtube Channel Description Box Writing Rules Bangla," then you can comment below. That's it for today. Allah is Hafez.

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