what is web design and development | ওয়েব ডিজাইন কি? | আধুনিক তথ্য প্রযুক্তি

Well, to soothe your brain muscles, and reduce the frequency of your forehead wrinkles and restless sleep, here are some website techniques that you can use to promote your business or company to your advantage effectively.

Client-side and server-side are two types of technologies used in websites. The client-side means that the processing of the technology is done in the web browser. On the other hand, the server side is done by the web server.

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Client-side technology uses HTML, XHTML, and CSS to create great websites like most sites you enjoy now.

HTML is short for Hyper Text Markup Language. A series of 'tags' are used to design through HTML. This technology is used to label text so the computer can understand what it means and wants. To pronounce a word, say the phrase 'World Wide Web' in bold, the correct tag is - World Wide Web. The result of this is the World Wide Web. A series of apt titles is essential to bring up a complete site.

Tim Berners-Lee created HTML in 1990. Lee's creation was recognized by the W3C or World Wide Web Consortium. Potential of information technology in Bangladesh

After HTML came XHTML. The latter is short for Extended HyperText Markup Language. Experts in web design services predict that XHTML will form a large part of the future of the World Wide Web. A W3C project called "The Semantic Web" will use XHTML and other recent technologies. It will bring more modern expected changes.

CSS is another essential web technology. The W3C developed Cascading Style Sheets or CSS. It is one of the most user-friendly technologies that shows what the text is and how it will appear on the page. It instructs designers to manipulate documents and present them visually in various mediums. This is an example of how to use it – font-family: Arial, sans-serif. It is used to force web browsers to use Arial fonts. If Arial is not available, the default will be sans-serif font.

To better understand web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS, you can subscribe to online tutorials. If not, read some articles related to them. Make your website design services efficient and dynamic. Modern Information Technology Section

What is Web Design: Nowadays we do many courses or take education in different subjects to get a good job. In this case, you can get many good jobs by taking a course in web designing or learning about it. Moreover, if you have good skills in this subject, you can start your own web design business.

A few years ago, there was no demand for web designing or web designers. But, in the last 1-2 years, the market has increased significantly in this field. And the need for web design will increase significantly in the coming time.

You can visit various online job portals. You will see many jobs related to web designing on famous job search portals like indeed and naukri.com.

Moreover, you will see that in the jobs in this profession, starting from less than 2 lakh taka mine (salary) to more than 20 lakh taka mine is being paid annually.

Apart from the job, you can open a web designing agency with your web design skills. Moreover, through freelancing, you can earn money online by doing various web design-related work for others. Today, there are many opportunities in this profession.

So let's go, below we know "what is web design" or "what is web design."

ওয়েব ডিজাইন কি ? (What Is Web Design In Bangla)

what is web design and development - ওয়েব ডিজাইন কি ? আধুনিক তথ্য প্রযুক্তি

Today, the internet and its usage are everywhere, and its use is increasing daily. In this case, all kinds of small and big companies, firms, or most businesses are launching at least one website to promote or market their business online.

One website JK can think of making for any purpose. A website can be created for online marketing, product promotion, providing online services, communicating with customers, digital marketing, or any other purpose.

Different types of websites can be created for various reasons.

Those who design and build these websites are called web designers. And the skills, experience, or process web designers use to develop or create a website is web designing.

Put designing or creating a website beautifully is called web design.

And a web designer with web designing skills is required to design, create or maintain websites for various companies or businesses.

Now, if you are also thinking, "How to learn web design, "don't worry.

Below, I will tell you what to learn in web designing, how long it will take, how to learn web designing and how profitable this career is.

ওয়েব ডিজাইনার হতে কি কি শিখতে হবে ? | What to learn to be a web designer? 

You don't need any special qualifications to learn web designing. If you have a little desire or interest in this field, you can learn web designing through various courses.

So let us know what we need to learn specifically to do this course.

Photoshop basics: Hey, you need to learn some Photoshop basics. Because before making a website, we must create an idea or design in Photoshop, which will be instrumental later in creating the website.

HTML: HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language," a coding language. This markup language is used to create web pages (websites). Learning HTML is straightforward, and you can surely make a simple web page after knowing it.

CSS: CSS stands for Cascading style sheet, which is a kind of coding language. HTML gives structure to our website. And CSS works to style and design the system of our web pages created by HTML. A web page can be made beautiful by CSS.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a client-side scripting language used to influence various processes or processes on a webpage. Knowledge and experience of JavaScript are essential for a good and expert web designer.

Start learning the subjects mentioned above one by one. First, learn about HTML and create something using it daily, which means practicing daily.

Then, learn about CSS after knowing HTML. And finally, learn about JavaScript.

You can quickly become a good designer by practicing these things every day.

In this case, you can do a web design course from a good institute or college. In this, you can learn everything quickly and accurately.

Moreover, from W3Schools.com, you can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many coding languages ​​related to web design at home.

ওয়েব ডিজাইন শিখতে কত দিন বা সময় লাগবে ? | How many days or time will it take to learn web design?

Honestly, it is not that simple to say how long it will take to learn web designing because there are many answers to this question.

How quickly you learn web design depends on your coding practice and interests.

If you practice regularly, you can learn web designing well in just 5 to 6 months.

It will take about 1 to 2 months to learn the basics of web design (CSS, HTML, JavaScript). But that also depends on your learning speed.

So, with interest in learning and regular practice, you will learn website designing faster. And, after that, you can increase your skills with more advanced subjects.

অনলাইন web design শেখার ওয়েবসাইট গুলি | Websites for learning web design online 

You can quickly learn about web design or CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and many other things at home using some free websites.

Best websites to learn web designing

W3Schools: Most trusted and profitable website to learn coding or any programming language. CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all sorts of things related to designing websites can be known here with examples.

Codecademy.com: This website is used by many people to learn online web designing from home, and from now you can learn many things. Here you are taught step by step with a live project.

YouTube.Com: You all don't know about YouTube. Here you will find various tutorials or courses you can learn by watching videos. You can find many systems by typing in the course you want to learn and searching.

Khanacademy.org: You can learn HTML, CSS, advanced JavaScript, jQuery, and many other programming languages ​​from the khan academy computer programming website. Here you can learn the course by listening live tutorial audio and seeing examples.

Coursera.org: You can use this free online website to learn web designing.

Edx.org: Apart from the web design course, you can learn many other lessons here for free.

So friends, if you are short of time, or want to learn web design at home for any other reason, then you can learn by visiting the above websites.

Web design শিখে কিভাবে এবং কত টাকা আয় করা যাবে ? How and how much money can be earned by learning web design?

As I have already told you above, there are many opportunities today for people who have done web design courses or have skills in this field.

They can earn money using their learned work or skills through various means. For example,

Freelancing works online.

There is a chance of getting a good job.

By owning a web designing agency or business.

Earn money through freelancing

By working online through freelancing, your income will depend on the number of jobs you do. The more jobs you get online, the more income you will earn. There are many opportunities to work in this field, so there are opportunities to make money.

You can go to the freelancer and UpWork websites and create an account there to find small jobs or projects related to web designing for yourself. And after completing the tasks correctly, you will get paid for that task.

চাকরির (job) মাধ্যমে টাকা আয় | Income through job 

And, if you look at the job, the salary of a web designer in India depends on his experience and skills. The more years of experience you have, the higher the pay will be.

Also, if you talk about monthly or monthly salary, a fresh web designer's salary is around Rs.20,000 to Rs.25,000. And the salary of an experienced web designer can be around Rs.35,000 to Rs.45,000. In some cases, there is an opportunity to mine even more.

নিজের এজেন্সী, কোম্পানি বা বিসনেস | Own agency, company or business

Finally, if you are thinking of starting a web designing agency business, you will have the opportunity to earn millions of rupees here. So, many companies, firms, or people want to create a website for themselves.

In this case, you must find clients and design and maintain websites for them. You can get money from each client to build a website. The more clients you have, the more income you can make.

Today it takes less than Rs.10,000 to build a website. Then you can earn 10 x 10,000 = 1,00,000 rupees by creating only 10 websites per month. This is just an example. Today, there is an opportunity to gain even more.

Today, with the rise of the internet and the demand for websites, web designers earn millions through their web design agencies or company designing websites for people.

কিভাবে শিখব ওয়েব ডিজাইন ? How to learn web design? 

In the end, we have the question, “How to learn web design”? So?

So now, to become a good web designer, you can do this course in two ways.

Online Web Design Course.

Offline web design course.

To do online courses, you can do or learn this course using the various websites I mentioned above.

And, if you are a fresh graduate or just passed 12th, I would say do this course from a good institute or college.

In this, you will enjoy learning more and can solve your difficulties or problems with the help of a teacher or other classmates.

Moreover, after completing the course from such an institute or college, you will be given a certificate which will help you a lot to get a job.

So, if you want to do a web design course for your interest and general knowledge, you can learn a lot using online websites.

But, if you are very serious about this subject and thinking of making a career in web designing, then do a full-time web designing course from a good institute and gain knowledge from various online websites.

I hope you enjoyed reading the post. And we hope you got what you wanted to read. Always visit our website to get all such information. Thanks for being on our side.

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