নিশ মার্কেটিং কি? | অনলাইন বিজনেসে সফল হওয়ার মূল চাবিকাঠি | What is niche marketing?

What is niche marketing? Assalamu Alaikum. One of the best ways to succeed in online business is to select the right niche for yourself. A common mistake we make when starting an online business is that we want to target a large segment of visitors. And I want to sell more products.

But this is where we make the mistake of not doing proper research or niche marketing first. Because the narrower the niche, the less competition, and the more sales. The more you understand your audience, the more successful your business will be.

That is why it is imperative to know about your niche marketing before starting an online business. The knowledge that will bring success to your business. Before we learn about niche marketing, we will know what niche is, and it will help us to understand the whole matter better.

নিশ কি | what is niche

নিশ মার্কেটিং কি ? অনলাইন বিজনেসে সফল হওয়ার মূল চাবিকাঠি | What is niche marketing? The key to success in online business

A niche is a subject, topic, category, product, or targeted content. For example, articles on this website, “Atozbloge,” are written on several issues, such as technology, health, etc. So here, technology is one niche, and health is another niche. Any one thing is called a niche, which can be technology, health, or any other subject.

Any product can be a niche like mobile, laptop, desktop, etc. I hope you understand what Nish is all about.

নিশ মার্কেটিং কি | What is Niche Marketing? 

In terms of online marketing, when you promote a specific product to meet a particular need of a specific population, it is called niche marketing. And the product you work with is your niche.

Let's try to understand the matter better with a simple example.

Suppose I will do a honey marketing promotion in Bangladesh. Now I have analyzed various data and found that 30% of people in Bangladesh eat honey or use it in different ways. If this 30% is assumed to be five crore people, the remaining 70% means 13 crore people do not eat or use honey.

Now out of this 30% of people, 10% of people consume sunflower honey, 10% consume mustard honey, and the remaining 10% consume Kalijira honey. Now I decided to target these people who consume Kalijira honey. So my target is this 10% of people who consume Kalijira honey, which means I will only market to this 10% of people. So 10% of people are my "niche target marketing."

And for this 10% of people, the product I offer (honey) is my niche. There are three must-haves for niche marketing.

. A specific area
. A particular population
. and a product

নিশ মার্কেটিং কিভাবে শুরু করবেন | How to start niche marketing 

To start niche marketing, you must first decide what kind of niche market you will target. Think about the audience you want to target. Know how your product will work for them.


The first thing you need for niche marketing is a product. The product can be your own or someone else's, like Amazon, whose products you can sell and get the commission. For this, you need to find products with less competition by keyword analysis, and you need to analyze Amazon and Google data.

However, information should be more important than emotion to find the product, and you need to analyze Amazon and Google data.

Find the product and research it through the tools. Also, how are the reviews of the product? Is the product trendy or not? That is, does it quickly change over time or not? If there is a change, it is better not to take it. Because people always want to get the latest thing. Generally, electronics products change the fastest.

He wrote today thinking it was the latest but will not be the latest after one year. That is why it is better not to work with such products in new condition.

Then see how the product is priced because the higher-priced item takes a little longer for the buyer to decide to buy. They want to take the opinion of the people around them, and he wants to come and see for himself and buy. On the other hand, buyers don't take much time to purchase low-priced items. As such, you must choose what price you want to sell the product, keeping your audience and other factors in mind.

And it is easiest and most profitable to work with Amazon's products when selling other people's products.

ওয়েবসাইট | website 

Next, you will need a website. Through this, you will reach your audience. The website should be optimized with user-friendly and unique articles because there is no alternative to unique articles to rank the website on Google. If you want to rank your website with copy-paste articles, then make a grave mistake.

Also, you need to connect to a good-quality domain and host. Once the website is created, start writing product-related unique content. How to write a fantastic SEO-friendly article has been discussed in detail in another post. You can come and see if necessary.

You have to be very skilled and strategic about content writing. Or you can write content with any quality writer. We know the article is king, so the report should be given particular importance. SEO should be started after arranging the website with good content, and good quality link building should be done.

Also, to be successful in niche marketing, you need to know many more things and practice regularly. Most importantly, you must stick with the time and follow the proper guidelines. Be patient and stay updated with time.

Remember that the narrower the niche, the more likely the product will sell. Don't target a significant place in the beginning. Be sure to research well before starting. I don't care about any ideas or emotions here. If you follow the proper guidelines, you will be successful inshallah.


In this article, I have discussed what niche marketing is and some basic rules which will take your startup one step further.

I hope I have informed you well. Still, if anyone has any problem understanding, you can tell in the comment box below. That's it for today. Allah is Hafez.

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