social media marketing services packages

social media marketing services packages

social media marketing services packages- Of course, I will be happy to help you with your questions about social media marketing service packages!

Social media marketing service packages typically include a range of offerings designed to help businesses effectively promote their products or services on various social media platforms. These packages can vary greatly depending on the marketing agency or service provider you choose. here are some common components you can find in this type of package:

  • platform management: services often include managing your business presence on major social media platforms such as facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin and more.
  • content creation: this can include creating and scheduling regular posts with text, images, videos and other multimedia content relevant to your business.
  • audience engagement: the services may include responses to comments, messages and mentions on your social media posts to engage with your audience.
  • advertising campaigns: some packages may offer to run targeted advertising campaigns to increase your reach and engagement. This may involve pay-per-click (ppc) advertising, sponsored posts, and more.
  • analytics and reporting: many packages provide regular reports on your social media performance, including engagement, follower growth, website traffic from social media, and more.
  • strategy development: some providers offer assistance in creating a comprehensive social media strategy tailored to your business goals.
  • community building: this can also include building and nurturing an online community around your brand, fostering relationships and loyalty among your followers.
  • customization: packages can often be customized based on the specific needs and goals of your business.
  • frequency: packages can be offered on a monthly basis with different levels of service based on your budget and requirements.

It is important to carefully review the details of each package to see exactly what is included and whether it aligns with your business goals. Also, consider the reputation and reviews of marketing agencies or service providers before making a decision.

While searching for specific social media marketing service packages, you can use search engines and also explore the websites of marketing companies that specialize in this field. be sure to compare different options to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. People discover, learn, follow, and shop brands on social media, so if you're not on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you're missing out! Great marketing on social media can bring tremendous success to your business, create dedicated brand advocates and even drive leads and sales.

Why use social media marketing services?

Social media allows marketers to connect and engage with potential customers where they are: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and even some younger platforms like TikTok. With a strong social media strategy and the ability to create engaging content, marketers can engage their audience

What are social media marketing services?

Social media marketing (SMM) (also known as digital marketing and e-marketing) is the use of social media—platforms where users create social networks and share information—to build a company's brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

Why do we need marketing services?

Companies that provide tangible products rely on product marketing, using service marketing to attract intangible product customers. This form of marketing displays and promotes non-physical products to customers, giving businesses the ability to access a wide and potentially global market.

In this complete guide to social media marketing, you're going to learn:

1. What is Social Media Marketing with Benefits, Statistics and Tips.
2. How to create a social media marketing strategy and a plan to execute it
3. Seven Best Social Media Marketing Platforms and How to Use Them

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that harnesses the power of popular social media networks to achieve your marketing and branding goals. But it's not just about creating a business account and posting when you feel like it. Social media marketing requires an evolving strategy with measurable goals and includes:

social media marketing services

1. Maintaining and optimizing your profile.

2. Posting images, videos, stories, and live videos that represent your brand and attract a relevant audience

3. Comment, share, and like feedback and monitor your reputation.

4. Follow and engage with followers, customers and influencers to build a community around your brand.

Social media marketing also includes paid social media advertising, where you can pay to get your business in front of more targeted users.

Benefits of social media marketing

With such widespread use and versatility, social media is one of the most effective free channels for marketing your business today. Here are some specific benefits of social media marketing:

1. Humanize your business: Social media enables you to make your business an active participant in your market. Your profile, posts, and interactions with users create an approachable persona that your audience can identify with and connect with and trust.

2. Drive Traffic: Social media is a top channel to drive traffic to your website where you can convert visitors into customers, through links on your profile, links to blog posts in your posts, and your ads. Also, social signals are an indirect SEO factor.

3. Generate Leads and Customers: You can generate leads and conversions directly on these platforms through features like Instagram/Facebook Shop, direct messaging, call to action buttons on profiles and appointment booking capabilities.

4. Increase Brand Awareness: The visual nature of social media platforms allows you to build your visual identity among a large audience and improve brand awareness. And better brand awareness means better results with all your other campaigns.

5. Build Relationships: These platforms open up both direct and indirect lines of communication with your followers through which you can network, gather feedback, discuss and connect directly with individuals.

The bigger and more engaged your audience is on social media networks, the easier it will be for you to achieve your marketing goals.

SEO and social media marketing services

Social media channels have become a major source of news and information in today's internet-driven world. But it does not end here. Social media presence is an important factor in search rankings and digital marketing.

Statistics show that the global population of social media users has grown to 4.57 billion, with 346 million new social media users added. Additionally, Global WebIndex reveals that social media users spend an average of two hours and 24 minutes per day multi-networking across at least eight social media platforms and messaging apps.

As social media usage continues to grow exponentially, how to market on social media is becoming more important in reaching your target demographic and building brand awareness. Many marketers, however, enter the world of digital and social media marketing without fully understanding what social media marketing and its demands are. Don't make the same mistake.

Our social media marketing experts explain the different aspects of business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) social media marketing to help you get your campaign started. Read on and learn what social media marketing is and how to market directly on social media from Thrive's social media marketing experts.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is an online marketing method that uses various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, to establish brand recognition, attract consumer attention and connect brands with a wider, more diverse audience segment. Social media marketing for small businesses and enterprises is a powerful way to reach your prospects where they spend their time online and strengthen engagement with your brand.

A dynamic, data-driven social media marketing plan can bring tremendous results to your company and turn customers into brand advocates. More importantly, an innovative social media marketing strategy positively impacts your search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing efforts, generating more leads and revenue streams for your business.

Digital Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing: What’s the Difference?

Many people use digital and social media marketing interchangeably. They believe that only applying various B2B social media marketing methods qualifies as digital marketing. However, social media marketing is only a fraction of the bigger picture.

Let's look at the difference between digital marketing vs social media marketing and how you can better understand these marketing strategies to your advantage.

Digital marketing is an all-encompassing term that uses online and offline digital marketing techniques to promote products and services and increase profitability.

Digital marketing involves a variety of Internet marketing strategies and channels, including SEO, social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising, e-commerce optimization, email marketing, and Amazon advertising.

Social media marketing, on the other hand, is one of the many components of digital marketing. It uses various social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube to introduce a brand, attract people's attention and connect with prospects and customers. Social media digital marketing involves collaborating with industry influencers, posting fresh, unique content, and adopting different marketing trends to convince people to take action.

Compared to other types of digital marketing, B2B social media marketing provides faster promotional results. However, social media marketing alone is not enough. As digital marketing experts, we recommend you explore other internet marketing strategies that go hand-in-hand with your social media campaigns to achieve sustainable, long-term success.

Social Media Marketing Services

Differentiate your brand and amplify your message through social media marketing and advertising

We live in an era where more than 70% of consumers expect a brand to have a social media presence But, not just any social media presence—consumers expect your brand to have a tailored, integrated social media strategy.

Almost every business can benefit from social media marketing services. While most companies know they should use social media to market their business, they don't know which networks to invest in—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.—or how much, and that's where our social media management services step in. Blue Corona's social media management and advertising services take the complexity out of social media for business owners and let you stick to what you know—running your business!

SEO and social media marketing services

Local SEO

Your business ranks on Google's "Local Map Pack". This is a 3 pack of local listings that show up at the very top of Google results Finding local map packs, under your targeted keyword phrases, can bring a tremendous amount of visitors to your web site.

"So... how do I list my business on the map pack?"

How do we do it?

Google wants to make sure your business is legitimate. At Social SEO, we call this the “Google Confidence Algorithm”. Google relies on more than 70 major third-party web sites to verify the consistency of the business name, address and phone ("NAP") associated with your web site. The more consistent your NAP is, the more likely you are to be found in the Maps section at the top of Google results. We help businesses get listed on Map Pack. We ensure that your business listing is accurate and compliant with Google requirements to rank well locally.

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There are also opportunities to rank under map packs. It is also very important to list here. We will help you rank well here as well.

National SEO

National SEO aims to target and rank for "national intent" (non-geographic) keyword phrases. The consumer is looking for a product or service that they would like to buy out of town. In other words, your business location is probably irrelevant to them. These keyword phrases can be more competitive and business owners often struggle to rank well here without professional SEO consulting services. Examples include "tax advice", "investment banker" or "iPhone case".

How we do it:

Step 1: We work closely with your company to understand your business goals and what you see as winning. Step 2: Do a keyword analysis to determine which keyword phrases make the most sense for your business and which are being typed into Google most often. We will target competitive 2 and 3 word phrases, but we will also target longtail phrases, 4 and 5 word keyword phrases. This is the most effective method of a successful SEO campaign.

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National campaigns can be more competitive, meaning rankings can take a little longer, especially for new websites. The good news is that traffic numbers for national phrases can be much higher. With good ranking, your website can get huge traffic.

E-commerce SEO

Ready to fill some shopping carts? Successful ecommerce companies share one key thing. They have a strong SEO strategy and continuously invest in it. They have prioritized SEO and made it their top traffic producer. Getting free organic visitors to your website significantly lowers your cost per acquisition. The rest of the pack (the other 95%) rank at or near the bottom of the first page These companies are missing the boat. We've seen that even the most technical web developers can have trouble getting websites to rank well.

How We Do It (How We Solve Problems): Ecommerce SEO is a favorite for our team at Social SEO. Ecommerce customers have an advantage in that they can target hundreds of different keyword phrases with hundreds of unique categories and landing pages. At Social SEO, we help you "cast a wide net" and take advantage of this huge opportunity.

What you need to know (bring clarity to reality). E-commerce has an advantage over others because they have the opportunity to target many keywords. Each product can potentially have two or three keyword phrases associated with it. If you have 2000 products, that's 4000 to 6000 potential keyword phrases, not to mention the longtail. We can impact ecommerce web sites more than any other.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is here and it's real! Business owners, CEOs and decision makers spend personal time on social media, just like everyone else. Most companies are open to the idea of social marketing

Media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), the problem is… they don't know where to start.

How We Do It We help businesses deliver compelling messages in a creative way - grabbing your prospect's attention We create social media strategies, messaging and set up tracking. We also create attractive image ads, videos and lead generation carousels that bring customers back to your website.

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To be successful, you need to have a great message, frequency and a consistent, sustainable delivery schedule. Through social media, you can target your consumers by geographic location, age, gender, marital and/or financial status. You can also remarket to customers who have visited your web site in the past.

Video Production Services SEO

"If content is king, video is its crown," Maria Victoria Gonzalez says Attracting and attracting your customers through video marketing is the heartbeat of our video production services. Don't just settle for mediocre TV commercials or "cookie cutter" video content for your website. Stand alone, stand out, elevate your brand.

Here at Social SEO, we offer all-inclusive, complete video production services. This includes pre-production, post-production, editing, directing and everything in between. Our Colorado Springs video production studio has endless possibilities for all things video. Not only do we create compelling visuals that portray powerful messaging, we also create a language and tone for your customers. Our Creative Director and Filmmaker, Clifton, has been producing effective video for years, leading our videography team to create premier video content for client success. Our studio mission is to expand storytelling through digital media and digital marketing.

What do our video production services include?

Creative services include an array of videography options. Full service creative options are customized to our client's needs. Initial engagement and counseling includes an in-depth discussion of expectations. We produce and edit videography from a short, short video to a full one-minute commercial for a client's website. There are no set packages in Social SEO. Creative calls for thinking outside the box, which should reflect on cost and deliverability. We have everything from low cost video production to high quality videos. It all depends on what you need!

Social media marketing statistics

As for the above benefits, don't take our word for it. Let's take a look at some social media marketing statistics that prove its power:

1. The average US adult spends 2.25 hours per day on social media.

2. Over 70% of people who have a positive experience with a business on social media will recommend that business to their networks.

3. Facebook users click on an average of 12 Facebook ads per month.

4. 81% of people use Instagram to research products and services.

5. About 80% of Twitter users feel more positive about a business when they receive feedback on their tweets.

6. 4 out of 5 people make business decisions on LinkedIn.

7. 46% of TikTok users engage in the app without any other distractions.

The essentials of a successful social media marketing strategy

A successful social media marketing strategy will look different for every business, but here's what they all have in common:

1. Knowledge of your audience: what platforms they use, when they visit them and why, what content they like, who they are following and more.

2. Brand Identity: What message do you want to convey to your audience? How do you want them to feel when viewing your content?

3. Content Strategy: While there is a level of spontaneity in social, you need a structured content strategy to have a consistent voice and be able to produce quality content regularly.

4. Analytics: Measurable insights will inform your strategy, including who you're reaching, the right content to share, the best times to post, and more.

5. Regular activity: Social media is a real-time platform. If you want to use it to grow your business, you need to post regularly, stay on top of engagement with your business, get re-engaged, stay on trend and maintain the right profile.

6. Inbound Approach: Don't use social media for your business. Focus on adding value and building people around you through useful and interesting content. This, in turn, will promote your business organically and others will promote it for you.

Creating your social media marketing plan

Now that you know the essentials of a social media marketing strategy, it's time to execute. Your social media marketing plan is the roadmap for implementing your strategy. It puts structure around your efforts so you can measure your success and be sure you're spending your resources wisely. Here's how to create your social media marketing plan:

1. Choose your platforms: Choose based on your target audience, popular platforms for your industry, as well as your bandwidth. Only take the number of platforms you can keep active. You can always start with one and then slowly add more as you get the hang of them.

2. Set goals and objectives: These should be simple and actionable to begin with, such as posting once a day for a month, setting up your profiles or doing a competitive analysis. Once you get into a rhythm and gather insights, you'll be able to set more specific and strategic goals like growing your following by X% or publishing X [types of content you've found your audience likes].

3. Report and adjust regularly: Use analytics on each platform to identify which posts generate the most engagement, see if you're getting more followers, and your audience demographics. Use and scale what works and discard what doesn't.

Social Media Marketing Tips

Ready to start marketing on social media? Here are some social media marketing tips to get your social media campaign started

Create diverse content

In line with other areas of online marketing, content reigns supreme when it comes to social media marketing. Make sure you post regularly and offer really valuable information that your ideal customers will find helpful and interesting. It includes:

1. How-to, quick tips
2. Local and industry news
3. Data and Insights
4. Polls, Quizzes, Contests
5. Updates and Announcements

This means using the various formats social media offers, including images, videos, stories, live streams, online stores, and more.

For help creating great social media content:

1. Check out our guide to Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live.
2. Try These 6 Epic Instagram Story Hacks You'll Want to Know Soon
3. Use the template! Love these holiday and Christmas social media post templates.

Stay consistent

Using social media for marketing enables your business to project your brand image across various social media platforms. While each platform has its own unique atmosphere and voice, the core identity of your business, whether it's friendly, fun or trustworthy, should remain consistent.

Don't just post—participate

In other words, don't log in once a month to schedule all your posts. Social media channels are communities. You need to pay attention to who engages with your content and keep coming back—reply to comments, like, share, and comment on their posts, run live streams, post polls, and start real-time question discussions and repost others' content. do

Use content creation tools

Don't let anyone tell you that Instagram is the most visual social media platform. All of them! If you want to stand out on a person's feed, you need to make your posts artful with compelling visuals—photos, images, text. Content creation tools like Canva have templates and features that let you quickly create visuals that look professional, match your logo, and match your brand.

Re-purpose, re-post, recycle

Social media is a crowded place, so if you want to gain traction with your audience, you need to regularly post great content. The secret to making this work? Three rupees:

1. Repurpose: Create a Facebook post from a customer review, split a blog post into a series of tweets, spin a case study into a customer spotlight on Instagram; Turn a webinar deck into a carousel post on LinkedIn. The possibilities are endless.

2. Repost: Done sparingly, but a great way to fill gaps in your content calendar. Repost and retweet user-generated and influential content on Instagram. You can curate content from authoritative sources and share those links in your posts

3. Recycle: Post your TikTok videos and Instagram reels on YouTube; Re-share your best-performing blog posts each month to get in front of new followers; Add your Facebook Live recording to your YouTube channel.

Fix your own feed

We're always looking for ways to show up on other people's feeds, but we forget that we have value from ourselves. Follow your competitors so you can keep an eye on them, get ideas to adapt your own strategy, and identify gaps you can fill. Follow influencers to stay on top of trends and educate yourself. Follow brands that share your values or have great content strategies for inspiration and out-of-the-box ideas.

Measure success with analytics

You can't determine the success of your social media marketing strategies without tracking data. Google Analytics can be used as a great social media marketing tool to help you measure your most successful social media marketing strategies, as well as determine which strategies are best to abandon. Attach tracking tags to your social media marketing campaigns so you can monitor them accurately. And don't forget to use analytics within each social platform for even more insight into which of your social content is performing best with your audience.

Try paid social

Among the many reasons to advertise on social media is that it is a very cost-effective way to expand your reach. If you play your cards right, you can get your content and offers in front of a huge audience at a very low cost Most social media platforms offer incredibly granular targeting capabilities, allowing you to focus your budget on exactly the types of people most likely to be interested in your business. Below are some tips and resources to get started with paid social media marketing:

1. Facebook Ads
2. Pinterest Ads
3. Instagram Ads

The best social media marketing platforms for business

The best social media marketing platforms for business include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. Different social media marketing sites require different approaches, so here's a brief overview of each—its user base, main vibe, pros, cons, and content types.

You can get a comprehensive look at each platform here: the biggest, baddest, most popular social media platforms and how to harness their power.


Facebook is the largest social media platform worldwide as well as one of the largest local business directories. People of all ages use it to communicate with friends and family, participate in groups and forums, find and visit businesses near them, and follow brands. Facebook is a great social media marketing platform:

1. Build relationships with existing customers
2. Announce hours changes, events and milestones
3. Hold discussions and live streams
4. Market to baby boomers

Organic reach on Facebook is limited, so if you're looking to generate leads or find a new audience, Facebook ads are your best bet.


You might not think of YouTube as a social media marketing channel, but it fits the bill: you can post videos to your channel; Share, comment, and like other videos and follow other accounts you like Also, you have a curated feed on your homepage with recommended videos The key to social media marketing on YouTube is not to try to "go viral", but to add value. Best for:

Tutorials, how-to, and explainer videos
Shoppable YouTube live streams
Advertising (video ads and display ads on the Platform)
SEO (video “how to”s are dominating the SERPs!)


Although it came on the scene a few years after LinkedIn and Twitter, Instagram quickly surpassed those platforms and reached one billion monthly active users in 2018. It is popular for various content formats including feed posts, stories, lives, reels and IGTV. People use Instagram to follow influencers and brands that they buy from and that support their personal values. Create your Instagram bio and then use it:

Social shopping
Influencer Marketing
User Generated Content
Company culture

Instagram advertising costs are generally higher than Facebook, but the good news is that the organic reach is also higher.


LinkedIn may be a professional network, but it's also an inspiring community that celebrates leadership, education, and core values. So in addition to using it to network, find prospects and share industry insights, it's a great place to express your company culture and build your personal brand in parallel with your business brand. LinkedIn Company Pages have many features to take advantage of, so take care when creating your page. LinkedIn is a great platform:

Attracting top talent
Network with partners, colleagues and customers
Share company milestones and culture
Post industry news and insights


Twitter is a beautifully tangled network of quick thoughts, useful tidbits and passionate discussions You should be regularly active on every social media platform, but it's especially important here. Many people use Twitter to get news, follow brands and get customer service. Be sure to retweet when a customer has something nice to say about you, and don't forget to answer people's questions when possible. For effective social media marketing on Twitter, you may want to:

Follow influencers to keep up with news and trends.
Share a story with multiple tweets in one thread.
Make yourself available for customer service and FAQs


Snapchat isn't just for teenagers. With its largest age group (75%) between 13-34 and its partnerships with Snap Maps, Geofilter and Gannett, it's more locally-focused than you might think. While you can't build relationships on the platform, you can build an audience with fun pictures and short videos. Use Snapchat to:

Location Based Marketing
App Marketing
Feel-good content


TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform of all time, taking just five years to reach one billion monthly active users. Although it is known for dance, the platform has countless popular categories that are constantly growing. Businesses are finding ways to use it as a marketing channel, but just remember, the primary reason people use TikTok is for entertainment, so make sure your videos align with that. Use TikTok to:

Participate in trending challenges
Post funny and inspirational videos
to be related

Social media marketing courses

You can find our round-up of the best social media marketing courses here, but these are definitely our favourites. Use them to grow your social media presence through organic and paid methods.

LOCALiQ Social Media Marketing Lab

LOCALiQ's Social Media Marketing Lab has tons of information and ideas perfect for any business, small or large, local or national, starting out or looking to grow. The free course offers:

1. Comparison of demographics, statistics and general environment of each platform.
2. What and how often to post on each platform.
3. Profile requirements and optimization tips.
4. More than 131 post ideas and examples.

Social media marketing services

As free and easy as each platform can be, a solid social media marketing strategy requires multiple platforms and often a mix of organic and paid methods. This can be resource-intensive, and while it's a good problem to have, the more you grow your audience using social media, the harder it will be to maintain. Social media marketing services come in all shapes and sizes to help businesses get the most out of social media For example:

1. Social Media Management Software: Social media management platforms like HootSuite and Sprout Social use proprietary technology to help more experienced social media marketers streamline their processes and gain advanced analytics.

2. Social Media Marketing Agencies: Some agencies specialize only in social media marketing, such as Akvertise or only paid social advertising.

3. Digital Marketing Agency: Just as one platform doesn't do it for social media marketing, one channel doesn't do it for overall marketing. Digital marketing agencies can help you incorporate social media marketing into your broader strategy that includes email, website, SEO and more.

4. Hybrid services: Some offer a mix of the above. For example, LOCALiQ's social advertising offerings use proprietary technology to manage your strategy and allow you to focus on social alone or as part of a broader plan.

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