সুন্দর হাতের লেখার কৌশল | কিভাবে হাতের লেখা ভালো করা যায় | How to improve your handwriting

Hello, improve your handwriting with some simple handwriting tips. Your writing reveals more about your personality than you think. Now there are tons of ways to improve your handwriting. Some people are gifted with neat and unmistakable handwriting, and some write in verse no matter how hard they try.

Handwriting doesn't give you extra marks, but it plays a significant role during your exam. Poor handwriting with too much cutting and overwriting makes it difficult for the examiner to read and understand your answers. Good, neat, legible handwriting makes the examiner's work easy, readable, and understandable.

আপনার হাতের লেখা উন্নত করুন | Improve your handwriting 

সুন্দর হাতের লেখার কৌশল | কিভাবে হাতের লেখা ভালো করা যায় | How to improve your handwriting

সেরা উপকরণ সংগ্রহ করুন | Collect the best materials

All you need is a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil. I recommend using lined or ruled paper when practicing handwriting. If you use plain paper or a book and find it difficult to write neatly and straight, don't worry. Just place a lined page under the playing piece.

You will most likely see the lines on the notebook paper, and you can use them as a guide to writing straight and clearly. Use your eyes, pen, or pencil. You need to find the best pen that works for you. Always use a quality one, as cheap or low-quality materials produce poor handwriting.

একটি ভাল লেখার ভঙ্গি গড়ে তুলুন | Develop a good writing posture

Sit up straight, keeping your back and neck as straight as possible, whereas slouching or slouching will lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain. So sit comfortably with proper posture.

আপনার হাত গরম করুন | Warm your hands

When you get to work, flex your arms for 5 seconds and roll your wrists again for 5 seconds. So that they relax. If you haven't written in days, those areas harden, and writing with the whole flow is complex.

পৃষ্ঠাটিকে 30 এবং 45 ডিগ্রির মধ্যে একটি কোণে রাখুন | Place the page at an angle between 30 and 45 degrees

If you are left-handed, the top edge of the page should point to your right. If you are a right-handed person, it should mean to your left. As you practice writing, make minor adjustments to find the angle that feels most comfortable to you and allows you to write relatively more.

একটি শিথিল খপ্পর বজায় রাখা | Maintain a relaxed grip

Many people grip the pen or pencil too tightly to control their stock, but this often slows the hand down, resulting in sloppy handwriting. So an excellent relaxed grip is one of the main things that will improve your writing.

Draw the shape

Letters are combinations of basic shapes. To improve your handwriting technique, spend time drawing shapes. Practice drawing vertical lines, diagonal lines, circles, and semicircles.

Proceed to individual letter writing

Once you are comfortable using the correct posture and writing speed with your lines and circles, you should focus on the actual letters. Practice writing the alphabet from lower to upper case, just as we were taught in your kinder pattern.

Analyzing your handwriting

To improve your handwriting, you need to evaluate your starting point. Get out your pen and notebook. Next, copy any passage from your textbook, newspapers, story books, etc. This is to give you an idea of ​​what your handwriting is like on average. After writing the paragraph, we will check three crucial points.

Check Alignment:- Are your words written at an upward or downward angle? Do they overlap with the lines on the page? So, write each comment in the same direction and at the same angle.

Find an Italic:- Everyone has different italics for writing. And some prefer to prefer the right side; some prefer to choose the left side and even straight. A slight slant is usually not a problem, but too much can make reading difficult. So keep your slashes consistent and clear.

See Spacing:- The distance between sums and letters helps to determine the quality of your handwriting. First, identify the letters that are pressed together, and there should be enough space between each word so that you can fit the letter 'o'. So always pay attention to the closeness of each letter.

For inspiration see

It can be helpful to look at examples of your favorite handwriting to improve your writing. Then try to copy the look of that handwritten letter by letter. Please pay attention to how they collect letters, shapes, and the angles they make. This will help you generate many ideas and inspiration to improve your handwriting.

Every day, spend 10 to 15 minutes practicing your handwriting. That's it for today's article, guys. I hope some of these tips help you improve your writing. Don't expect your script to enhance overnight miraculously. And it may take days or months. However, lots of practice and patience will lead to great success.

You can deny that good handwriting is the first impression. So without further ado, let's look at some practical tips to produce better writing.

In this age of technological advancement, we are thankful for intelligent electronic devices like computers and tablets. One of the many reasons for this is - now we have to worry less about 'beautiful handwriting.'

But whatever we call 'beautiful handwriting' or 'beautiful handwriting' is still essential. As a child, we read in Adarsh's ​​script - 'If your handwriting is beautiful, you will get more marks in the exam.' Not only that, beautiful handwriting gives a different dimension to your personality.

Handwriting expert Laura Hooper took handwriting classes at various prestigious educational institutions in the United States. In an interview with Business Insiders, he gave seven tips to improve handwriting.

1. Determining the suitable material: Before you start writing, select materials you feel comfortable using. Many people think a 'fountain pen' is essential for beautiful handwriting, and there is no such obligation. Choose a pen or pencil that fits your finger quickly and doesn't press too hard on the paper as you write. And 'notebook' lined paper can be used as paper.

2. Flexing the hands and wrists: "Before I start writing, I take my hands lightly and twist the wrists slightly to make them flexible for writing," says Hooper. "Especially if you haven't written for days in a row, you'll feel some stiffness in your wrists or hands, like any other muscle."

3. Correct posture: Sit straight and use your non-dominant hand (i.e., left hand for right-handed people) to hold the paper or notebook. "When I write, I use my unaccustomed hand to maintain consistency," says Hooper. It helps me to stay still and increase control over the right hand.'

4. Pen grip: Write close to the pen or pencil nib, but not tightly. If you're not comfortable writing close to the bill, don't worry because there are no specific rules for holding a pen or pencil. It depends on your hand shape.

5. Arm and Wrist Position: Most people use only their fingers while writing. But scribes only grip the pen-pencil with their fingers and register with their arms and wrists in the same position while writing. "You can hold a pen and write big letters in your imagination (in the air) to get it," says Hooper.

6. Taking Relative Slowness: Most people finish writing as fast as possible. "Writing is not a race," says Hooper. Focus on how to make each letter beautiful rather than how quickly you finish it. Write slowly and make the letters look their best.'

Practice capitalization first to shape the letters nicely. Gradually reduce the standard writing style to a smaller one.

7. Practice, practice, and practice: There is no substitute for training to improve handwriting. The more you practice following the above rules, the better you will become.

হাতের লেখা সুন্দর করার কৌশলঃ Techniques to make handwriting beautiful: 

সুন্দর হাতের লেখার কৌশল | কিভাবে হাতের লেখা ভালো করা যায় | How to improve your handwriting

There are many techniques to improve handwriting. Among the methods to improve handwriting, some essential techniques to improve handwriting are mentioned for you:

1. The key to improving handwriting is first getting the dimensions and lines straight in your writing. For this, you first need to recognize how many dimensional letters there are in the alphabet, and then you have to write those letters straight. The trick to improving handwriting is if your lines are not straight, you can write in a Bengali notebook or draw and write on a white laptop.

2. The texts should be written tightly.

3. Texts can be written in long form.

4. Be careful while spelling. If the spelling is wrong, there will be repeated cuts that will not look good.

5. You can take help from your friend who writes beautifully. Your handwriting will be beautiful if you learn to practice writing by taking a few pages from him and watching his writing.

6. You have to practice slowly, and you have to give 2 hours daily. Write slowly. Once you get good at writing, then you can write faster.

7. You have to practice more or less throughout your life to keep good writing throughout your life.

8. The writing will not be good if the text is written excessively.

9. You can take courses in different institutes to learn other techniques to improve handwriting.

হাতের লেখা সুন্দর করার উপায়ঃ Ways to make handwriting beautiful:

Everyone likes to see beautiful handwriting. The first step how in making Bengali calligraphy attractive is that you need to learn kar or phala.

While writing, always makes sure that the report is straight. There is no mention of a certain amount of blanking in the papers. But if you leave the “A” amount blank, your text will look better.

Try to keep all letters the same size.

More and more, you need to practice writing in Bengali notebooks to make your writing even. I hope you understand the ways to make an essay beautiful.

হাতের লেখা সুন্দর করার কোর্সঃ Handwriting Beautification Course: 

There are various courses to improve handwriting. Some of these are paid, and some are non-paid. You can take a class on improving writing at Ten Minute School if you want. Robi Ten Minute School has a Handwriting Beautification course with a course duration of 6 months which is a paid course. It will have 28 video lectures and 52 animated tutorials. Before you start the system, there are three free videos that you can watch to decide if you should take the handwriting improvement course. The course fee of Robi Ten Minute School for improving handwriting is Tk 450.

There are also many tutorials on YouTube for making your hands look beautiful for free. You can learn the techniques of beautifying handwriting by watching YouTube tutorials.

হাতের লেখা সোজা করার উপায়ঃ Ways to straighten handwriting:

The first and most important way to straighten your handwriting is that you need to practice handwriting in Bengali books. How to tidy script The next step is to practice writing very slowly, as I have told you before. Another way to straighten handwriting is if you don't have a Bengali notebook, then you can practice writing by drawing marks down on a white laptop.

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