মধু দিয়ে ত্বক ফর্সা করার উপায় | how to get fair skin with honey

মধু দিয়ে ত্বক ফর্সা করার উপায় | how to get fair skin with honey

Assalamu Alaikum welcomes you all are fine. Today I will discuss how to lighten skin with honey, lighten dark skin, and home remedies for lightening skin. Today in this post, I will discuss this in detail below.

ত্বক ফর্সা করার ঘরোয়া উপায় | Home remedies to lighten skin 

A whitening face pack of powdered milk and lemon juice makes the skin fairer. Mix these three ingredients well to make this pack: 1 tablespoon of powdered milk, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and 1/2 tablespoon of campus in a bowl. Apply the mixed paste all over your face, leave it for 10 minutes, and wash it off with cold water.

As your skin clears up with this phase pack, you can see your skin looking brighter than before. And you can use this pack on all skin types.

The brightness increases because the natural bleaching ingredients in lemon, mixed with honey and milk, help to make the skin fairer. There is no extra hassle in making the pack, and you can easily make this recipe as these ingredients are available in every kitchen. Applying this pack regularly will also remove the problem of acne on the skin.

2. Home remedies for skin whitening Potato peel skin whitening face pack, potato peel contains bleaching ingredients like lemon juice. Make a paste of light peels as best you can. First, make a paste as best you can in a hawk blender. Apply this potato peel paste on the skin regularly. Regular use of this will increase the glow in your skin.

Using this pack will make your skin clearer. You can use this pack on all skin types.

3. Sour Dei and Oatmeal Skin Whitening Mask To prepare this, soak one teaspoon of oatmeal overnight and make a paste in the morning with one tablespoon of sour yogurt. Admission can be said to make the skin fairer. Regular use will give you good results and benefit any dry, normal skin.

4. Amanda Face Pack To make this, you soak four to five almonds overnight. Then you grind it, mix the paste with buttermilk or malai, and apply a pack. And leave this pack on your skin for 10 to 12 minutes. Then wash your skin with cold water by scrubbing it now and then.

5. Tomato and tomato face pack home remedies to increase your glow; mix one tablespoon of tomato or lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric. These two ingredients apply to your face skin regularly. As a result of which, your skin will be fair. Turmeric has many benefits for the skin, which are not discussed in detail.

We all know that tomatoes help remove dark spots on the skin and how effective tomatoes are. The bleaching properties of tomatoes and turmeric's herbal properties help make your skin fairer. It can be used, on average, on oily and dry skin.

6. Home Remedies Mint Leaf Face Pack The astringent in mint leaves brightens dull skin while nourishing the skin. Apply a paste of 16 to 21 mint leaves on your face. Leave this paste on your face for 15 to 10 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

This pack will tighten the skin and cover the tiny pores of the skin. If you are allergic to mint leaves, avoid using this pack.

কালো ত্বক ফর্সা করার উপায় | Ways to lighten dark skin

You can return to your natural skin tone, which has darkened over time due to dust, pollution, etc. I have listed tips that will lighten your skin tone by bringing back your natural shade.

  • Drink enough water
  • You must drink enough water for hydrated and glowing skin.
  • You should drink at least 8 ounces (2 liters) of water daily to keep your body hydrated.
  • Drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins that can improve the texture and appearance of your skin.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Sound strange?
  • But less sleep can wreak havoc with your skin and face as your body needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
  • Give your body enough time to rest to bring out the inner glow.
  • When you sleep, your body increases blood flow to the skin, which means you wake up with a healthy glow.
  • But if you don't get enough sleep, your complexion can look dull and lifeless, as well as cause the appearance of dark circles.
  • Wear sunscreen even when indoors
  • You need to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays even when you are out or indoors because the rays can penetrate through glass.
  • Apply sunscreen lotion or spray all over your body and carry sunglasses, a cap, or a scarf to protect your skin from the sun and pollution.
  • Massage your face with olive oil and honey
  • Massage your skin daily with olive oil and honey to lighten your skin tone.
  • Mix two tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of honey and massage it on your skin for a few minutes.
  • Massage your face with olive oil and honey
  • If you have oily skin, add a few drops of lemon juice. Remove this pack with lukewarm water.
  • This home remedy will make you fairer.
  • Moisturize your skin
  • Moisturize your skin twice a day using a moisturizer or facial oil.
  • Moisturizing skin will help eliminate dry and flaky skin and make your skin look radiant.
  • Hydration will instantly boost your skin tone.
  • Use cold rose water
  • Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces your skin's redness.
  • Cold rose water on your face will keep your skin fresh and glowing.
  • The best thing about using this home remedy is that you can use it at any time of the day.
  • Steaming the mouth
  • This deep-cleansing procedure will open your pores and clean out all the dirt.
  • But instead of using plain water, boil the lemon peel in water and then use the water to steam your face.
  • Do this for a few minutes, and then dry your face with a soft wet towel.
  • Vitamin C in the lemon will improve your skin tone.

মধু দিয়ে ত্বক ফর্সা করার উপায় | Ways to make skin fair with honey

Honey is not only good for food. Love can be used to make the skin beautiful and fair very quickly and without any hassle. And it is straightforward to do. Honey is available anywhere in the market and is a specific liquid.

In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah Himself has said. Various colored drinks are released from their stomachs. It contains all the cures for human diseases. Indeed there are signs in it for the people who think. It is not a sin to acquire immunity, honey.

But do you know how effective a honey facial is? Many people do not get good results or those who want to beautify their face in the market where you buy various famous and expensive face packs. So today, Essie brings them a way to make skin beautiful and fair with honey. Using it means you don't have to go to the parlor with difficulty, and it can show the process in 2 minutes by whitening the skin very quickly.

See what kind of scars you can eliminate using a face pack?

Many people get rid of dark spots under their eyes due to staying up at night or for some other reason, face burns due to being outside or sunburned spots; you can get rid of various types of acne problems on the skin of many people, whose face is covered with freckles. They can also get rid of blemishes and other blemishes. Also, if any spots are formed on the skin due to allergies or other reasons, you can easily remove them with honey.

  • How to make the skin fair and beautiful with the help of honey?
  • I will finish the face pack made of honey on four sides-
  • First step-Honey Skin Brightening Cleanser.

Honey Skin Brightening Cleanser requires one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of raw milk. Mix the two ingredients well in a container. So the first component seen in the above image is created like that. As shown in the second picture, take a cotton pad and apply it to your skin. This will clean your skin, remove the dust, sand, and oil on the skin and cleanse the skin from within. After 5 minutes of using this pack, you should wash it off with a clean towel.

দ্বিতীয় ধাপ-Honey skin Brightening ScrubbeR

Honey Skin Tightening Cleanser

Honey skin Brightening ScrubbeR: To make this, you will need one tablespoon of honey, a half tablespoon of coffee, and a half tablespoon of sugar. Mix these three ingredients well then you can see the first picture above. After making it, mix it well with your hands, as shown in the second picture, for 5 minutes. After mixing, please keep it in that condition for at least 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, wash it off with clean water.

ত্বীতিয় ধাপ-Honey skin Brightening glow Massage 

Honey skin Brightening glow Massage

Honey skin brightening glow massage requires two ingredients. First, one tablespoon sour curd and one tablespoon honey. Mix these two ingredients well. Apply the mixture to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes until the mixture looks like the first picture above.

Sour yogurt contains lactic acid, which will remove various types of spots on your skin very quickly and make the skin burnt or damaged by the sun fair and bright. Honey contains anti-fungal, anti-bacterial anti-properties, relieving your skin from various problems.

And will it remove the problem of different types of acne on the skin? If honey is used this way, the skin will quickly become bright and fair. After 10 to 15 minutes in the second picture above, wash it off with cold water.

চর্থুথ ধাপ-Honey skin Brightening Glow Facepack 

Honey skin Brightening Glow Facepack

Honey skin Brightening Glow Facepack requires one tablespoon of gram flour, one tablespoon of mud and soil, one ethyl spoon of honey, two teaspoons of raw milk, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix these five ingredients well. Once mixed, it will look like the first image.

Apply the prepared pack to your skin, as shown in the second picture. Apply the paste and leave it to dry for a while. When it dries, clean it with a tissue or handkerchief. After staying like this for some time, wash it with water. It will remove all kinds of stains on your skin very quickly.

After using it, you can see that your skin is much brighter than before. Making this pack is very easy. Using it, you will get such good results that you will not have to go for a facial again. This is a very effective face pack. Try these four steps once and see what results you get. After that, please comment.

This post discusses how to lighten the skin with honey, the way to lighten the dark skin, and the home way to lighten the skin. Let's hope you like this information a lot more.

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