how to enable comments on youtube videos | how to turn on comments on youtube

It's a great feeling when members comment on your videos. A message of support, or even a funny joke, can really make a creator's day.

I am doing various posts every day so visit our website to get these posts.

But not all YouTube viewers are beautiful. Some will post mean or disrespectful comments for no apparent reason. Instead of absorbing the negativity, it's better to turn off the comments when the hate becomes too real.

Fortunately, you don't need a desktop computer to do this. With an Android or iOS mobile device, you can enable or disable YouTube comments – fast.

Setting up a YouTube channel for the first time can be daunting, and there are several things you need to consider before taking the plunge It's easy to think your channel is small and no one will discover you, but you must remember that you have a potential audience of over two billion people.

If you post a video about a controversial topic, but you don't want to get backlash, it might be a smart idea to turn off your YouTube comments.

Similarly, you posted a video for a specific purpose—such as teaching new employees how to use certain company software. In such instances, allowing random people to comment will unnecessarily fill up your notification inbox.

How to turn comments on YouTube on or off?

When your subscribers comment on your videos, it's a great feeling. A message of encouragement, or even a funny joke, can brighten a creator's day.

how to enable comments on youtube videos | how to turn on comments on youtube

However, not all YouTube viewers are happy. Some people will say things that are hurtful or disrespectful for no apparent reason. When the hate becomes too real, it's better to turn off the comments rather than absorb them.

Fortunately, you won't need a desktop computer to complete this task. You can quickly enable or disable YouTube comments using an Android or iOS mobile device

How to turn YouTube comments on or off on mobile

Additionally, you can disable comments completely by default for all videos uploaded from next time

Choose Comment Settings

You can change your comment settings in YouTube Studio. Learn about the different comment settings.

You cannot change comment settings when:

*The audience for a channel or video is set as "made for kids". Comments are permanently deleted 30 days after a channel or video is set as made for kids.

*A video is private. If you want to allow comments on a video that isn't publicly available, post an unlisted video instead.

*You are experiencing YouTube with a supervised account Learn more about supervised experiences on YouTube.

Change your default comment settings

Choose your default comment setting. This change applies to comments on new videos and new comments on your channel's homepage.

1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. From the left menu, select Settings
3. Select Community and then Default
4. Select your default settings:

* If you have a community tab: Choose your default settings under "Comments on your channel".

* If you don't have a Community tab: Choose your default setting for new video uploads under "Comments on your new videos".

5. Select Save.

Change comment settings on a video

You can change comment settings for an individual video from your content page You can change comment settings for multiple videos at once with bulk editing

1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. From the left menu, select Content.
3. Click on a video thumbnail
4. Scroll and then click Show more
5. Choose your comment settings under "Comments and Ratings".
6. Click Save.

Change the default comment view

You can change how comments are ordered on your video watch page. You can order comments by top comment or date added.

1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
2. From the left menu, select Content.
3. Click on a video thumbnail
4. Scroll and then click Show more
5. Select Sort under "Comments and Ratings".
6. Choose between Top and New.
7. Click Save.

how to enable comments on youtube videos

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

Part 1: How to turn on or off comments for YouTube channel

If you don't want any comments on any of the videos you publish, you must learn to disable comments on the YouTube channel. The process of doing this is explained below:

Step 1: Go to YouTube Studio

Use your favorite web browser to go to YouTube and sign in to your Google Account. Click your profile picture from the top-right corner of the webpage, and click YouTube Studio from the menu that appears.

Step 2: Go to Channel Advanced Settings

From the bottom of the left panel, click on the Settings icon, from the settings box that comes next, click on Channels and from the right window go to Advanced Settings.

Step 3: Close the comment

From the Audience section in the right pane, click to select Yes, set this channel as Made for Kids I always upload content made for kids radio buttons. Click Save from the bottom-right corner to save changes to turn off comments on all videos on your YouTube channel

To turn on comments on all videos on your YouTube channel, you can follow the instructions below:

1. Set channel videos as not made for kids

Use the method described above to go to the channel's advanced settings box. Select No, set this channel as Not Made for Kids. I never upload radio buttons made for kids. Click Save to save the changes

2. Define acceptable comment types

Click the Settings icon once again from the bottom of the left pane. In the Settings box, go to the Upload Defaults section from the left pane and Advanced Settings from the right. From the Comment Visibility drop-down list under the Comments section on the right, choose your preferred comment allowance type and click Save to allow comments on the channel's videos.

3. Set comment allowance for videos

Back on the YouTube Studio page, click Content from the left pane. From the right part, tick the video box at the top of the list to select all videos in the channel. Click Edit from the column header, and click Comment from the menu. From the New Value drop-down list, choose your preferred allowance option for comments, click Update Video from the top-right area, I understand the implication of this action, check and Update Video to allow commenting on all videos- Click on of the channel

Additional information about comment options

The four options available when you allow comments with their meaning on your YouTube channel are:

Allow all comments

When you choose this option, YouTube allows anyone to post any type of comment, regardless of how inappropriate or unacceptable the text is.

Leave potentially inappropriate comments for review

This option allows all comments from all users only if YouTube assumes the text is safe, and does not contain inappropriate words. If YouTube detects some objectionable content, such as spam or profanity, the comment will not be published, unless you review and manually approve the text.

Hold all comments for review

Selecting this option captures all comments from all users, and waits for you to manually review and approve or disallow each one.

Disable comments

When this option is selected, no one can comment on the video.

Part 2: Turn on or off comments for specific videos

As you may have noticed, any videos marked 'made for kids' do not allow users to post comments. You can use this feature to enable or disable commenting on specific YouTube videos as well

To learn how to enable comments on YouTube for a specific video, you can follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Go to Content Page

Use the method explained earlier to go to YouTube Studio and click on Content from the left navigation bar.

Step 2: Go to the details page of the target video

Hover the mouse over the target video in the right window, and click the Details icon.

Step 3: Turn on Comments

From the bottom of the audience section in the right window of the video details page, select the No, this is not intended for children radio button Next, click Show More, scroll down to the Comments & Ratings section, and choose your preferred privacy option from the Comment Visibility drop-down list. Click Save from the top-right area to save the changes.

FAQs about YouTube comments

1. Why can't I comment on YouTube videos?

There could be several reasons for this. For example, the video or the entire channel has been configured as 'made for kids' by the owner, comments have been disabled for the video or channel by the owner, you are using some inappropriate words in the comments that have been temporarily blocked by YouTube, and the owner has written before the text is visible. need to be reviewed and approved by, etc.

2. I want people to comment on my private videos. What should I do?

At the time of this writing, YouTube does not allow anyone to comment on a video set to 'private'. If your video is configured that way, you must change its nature to 'Unlisted', and share its link with users before they post a comment.

3. How can I block certain words and links in YouTube comments?

You can go to YouTube Studio > Settings > Community and add words to block in the Blocked words field in the Automated Filters tab in the right window. You can add multiple words separated by commas. To block comments with links, check the Block Links box. Click Save to save the changes

4. If I turn comments off and on again, will the old comments come back?

Yes. When you close comments, existing comments disappear. When you turn them back on, all previous comments reappear and are visible to viewers

5. If I change my comment settings, will existing comments be affected?

It depends on the nature of the comment. For example, if you change settings, the changes are reflected in comments posted on new videos and new comments on your channel's homepage. However, existing comments on existing videos, new comments on existing videos, and existing comments on your channel's homepage will not be affected.


It's easy to understand how to turn on comments on YouTube. Best of all, comments are enabled by default and if you don't need them, you can simply disable them by configuring videos or the entire channel as 'made for kids'. If comments on a video were previously enabled and later disabled, the existing comments automatically disappear. Comments appear again when the video is re-enabled

how to enable comments on youtube videos

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on comments on youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable comments on youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on comments in youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn comments on youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to allow comments on youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on youtube comments

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable comments in youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn comments on on youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable youtube comments

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on the comments in youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on comments on youtube video

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable comment section in youtube

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to turn on comments in youtube video

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable comments in youtube videos

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

how to enable comments in youtube channel

YouTube comments are enabled by default and if they aren't, learning how to turn on comments on YouTube is super easy A big advantage of enabling comments on your YouTube videos is that you get real feedback from your viewers

As a brand, it is imperative that you thoroughly read all the comments your YouTube videos receive It not only helps you do sentimental analysis; This enables you to understand what the audience expects from you and where you should focus more when recording and editing your footage.

Keeping all these points in mind, the following sections explain how to enable comments on YouTube and how to turn off comments on YouTube. Here you will also learn about other security and privacy options that you can use to filter comments posted by disturbing elements

I hope you enjoyed reading the post. And we hope you got what you wanted to read. Always visit our website to get all such information. Thanks for being on our side.

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